Total Bids Placed:
Auction has expired
Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started | July 12, 2022 6:30 am |
Auction Expired
Testing auction
Item condition:
Auction Expired because there were no bids
$("#placebidbutton").on('click', function(event){
var formname = "custombid"; retval = bid_check(formname);
if(retval == true || retval == false){ return retval; } });
function bid_check(formname){
var id_Bid;
id_Bid = "#uwa_bid_value";
var bidval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).val());
var minval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("min")); var maxval = parseFloat($(id_Bid).attr("max"));
if(minval <= bidval){ } } } /* Extra confirmation message on place bid */ function confirm_bid(formname, id_Bid) { /* Get bid value, format value and then add to confirm message */ var bidval = jQuery(id_Bid).val(); var bidval = parseFloat(bidval); if (bidval > 0){
var floatbidval = bidval.toFixed(2);
var currencyval = "$";
var finalval = currencyval + floatbidval;
var confirm1 = 'Do you really want to bid';
var confirm_message = confirm1 + ' ' + finalval + ' ?';
var result_conf = confirm(confirm_message);
if(result_conf == false){ event.preventDefault(); /* don't use return it reloads page */ } else{ return true; } }
} /* end of function - confirm_bid() */
}); /* end of document ready */
Auction has expired
Auction Expired because there were no bids
Auction started | July 12, 2022 6:30 am |